Mining and using tar sands oil creates more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional oil. But that's rarely mentioned anymore.
By Lisa Song, originally published at InsideClimate News
When President Obama traveled to Cushing, Okla. last week to declare his support
for building the southern half of the Keystone XL pipeline, he stressed
that the pipeline and other oil infrastructure projects would be done
"in a way that protects the health and safety of the American people."
But missing from the speech—and from most recent discussions of the
controversial project—was any mention of climate change or the
greenhouse gas emissions associated with mining Canadian tar sands.
Climate change was once front and center in the pipeline debate, with
federal agencies as well as environmentalists weighing in with their
In 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency noted
in its analysis of the State Department's draft environmental review of
the Keystone XL that a comprehensive evaluation would have to consider
the tar sands industry's greenhouse gas emissions, which the EPA
calculated on a well-to-tank basis to be 82 percent greater than
conventional crude oil.
"Alongside the national security benefits of importing crude oil
from a stable trading partner, we believe the national security
implications of expanding the nation's long-term commitment to a
relatively high carbon source of oil should also be considered," the
EPA wrote.
A year later, the EPA wrote in comments on the State Department's second draft
that it was "concerned about levels of GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions
associated with the proposed project, and whether appropriate mitigation
measures to reduce these emissions are being considered."
The EPA asked the State Department "to identify practicable
mitigation measures" for the "entire suite" of greenhouse gases
associated with operation of the Keystone XL.
In a statement issued in November, the State Department said
that any decision on whether the pipeline is in the national interest
should consider "all of the relevant issues," such as "environmental
concerns (including climate change), energy security, economic impacts,
and foreign policy."
Over the past year, the pipeline's opponents have focused their campaign on protecting the fragile Nebraska Sandhills,
and climate change has taken a back seat in the debate. But
environmentalists have long warned that the pipeline would lock in the
United States to a particularly dirty form of oil that would further
exacerbate global warming.
One of the most-quoted lines has come from climate scientist James Hansen, head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who calls the tar sands a "fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on the planet."
Bill McKibben, founder of the climate action group, said the Keystone protest has always been driven by "the fear that the tar sands will help destabilize the climate."
"Our colleagues in Nebraska did a great job of highlighting their
concerns about the Ogallala aquifer and the Sandhills, but for those of
us in the other 49 states, global warming was the single biggest reason
for this fight," McKibben told InsideClimate News in an email on Friday.
"Which is why it would have been nice for the president to say
something about it [in Cushing], considering he was standing in the
state that just went through the warmest summer any American state has
ever recorded."
President Obama gave his speech against a backdrop of steel pipes at
the Stillwater Pipe Yard, which is owned by TransCanada, the
Alberta-based company that wants to build the pipeline. The president's
stop in Cushing was part of a nationwide tour to publicize his
administration's "all of the above" energy strategy.
Republished with permission of InsideClimate News, a non-profit, non-partisan news organization that covers energy and climate change—plus the territory in between where law, policy and public opinion are shaped.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Climate Change Disappears From Keystone XL Pipeline Debate

Tar Sands
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