Denying the permit for a brutally stupid, money-grab like the Keystone XL pipeline is a no-brainer, right Mr President?” -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Of course, the consequences for the planet would be far more dire. As explained by the Tar Sands Action campaign:
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry tar sands oil, some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet, over 1,700 miles from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The pipeline risks a BP-style oil spill over one of America’s largest sources of fresh drinking water, the Ogallala Aquifer. The nation’s top climate scientist, NASA’s Dr. James Hansen, says that fully exploiting the tar sands could mean “game over” for the climate.Tar Sands Action campaign released this video of Julia Louis-Dreyfus laying out he challenge to the President to "make the right call."
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