Thursday, December 16, 2010

Co-Equal But Separate: An Update

A Supreme Court spokesperson has confirmed that Justice Scalia has accepted Rep. Bachmann's invitation to speak at a Conservative Constitutional Seminar for the new class of conservative members of Congress.  I was being facetious when I suggested in my post below that perhaps Scalia should teach about the Separation of Powers.  Turns out this is precisely what he will talk about.  Who needs The Onion?

Co-equal But Separate, Right?

This comes from Rep. Michele Bachmann, whose grip on reality is somewhat tenuous, but, for what it's worth, she told Lou Dobbs that the incoming conservative members of Congress will be taught a course on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  According to Bachmann, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has "graciously agreed to kick off [the] class."  Now, there is no question that these folks have a lot to learn about the Constitution, but having a sitting justice of the Supreme Court school members of the legislature on constitutional interpretation is pretty disturbing.  Maybe the first session should be about the separation of powers.


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